WWW (World Wide Web) - A huge collection of hypertext pages on the Internet.  World Wide Web concepts were developed in Switzerland by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (known as CERN), but the Web is not just a tool for scientists; it is one of the most flexible and exiting tools in existence.

Internet - World Wide connection of servers linked or connected together to form one huge network and is a (closed system).

internet - Disparate systems and has different operating systems, protocols and is a (closed system).

intranet - is an internal internet for use by the employees of a company within depts and is not accessible from the outside.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

Examples of an URL:  service :// hostname: port / directory-path

                                  http :// /taylor/index.html

                                  ftp :// / pub /wallst/



Quick Guide to HTML Tags

Required Tags

Document Type <HTML>...</HTML> Encloses the entire HTML Doc
Header <HEAD>...</HEAD> Encloses the head of the HTML Doc
Title <TITLE>...</TITLE> The title of the document
Body <BODY>...</BODY> Encloses the body of the HTML Doc

                         Example:          <HTML>


                                                  <TITLE>My Sample HTML Page</TITLE>



                                                    Contents of Documents






Heading and Text Formatting

Heading <H?></H?> H1 thru H6
Bold <B></B> This is bold
Italic <I></I> This is italic
Typewriter <TT></TT> Monospaced font
Center <CENTER></CENTER> Centered
Strong <STRONG></Strong> Stronger emphasis(usually bold)
Subscript <SUB></SUB> H2O
Superscript <SUP></SUP> E=mc2
Font Size <FONT SIZE=?></FONT> 1 to 7, smallest to largest
Code <CODE></Code> Code Sample
Cite <CITE></CITE> A Citation
Dfn <DFN></DFN> A definition of a term
Var <Var></Var> A variable or placeholder for

some other value

Alignment / Spacing

Align Left <ALIGN=LEFT> Alignment works with
text, graphics, headlines,
tables, paragraphs
Align Center <ALIGN=CENTER>
Align Right <ALIGN=RIGHT>
Paragraph <P> Gives space before a paragraph
Line Break <BR> New line or carriage return
Block Quote <BLOCKQUOTE></BL...> Indents a block of text


Graphics & Images

Display graphic <IMG SRC="img/"> .xxx = .gif or .jpg
Dimensions <IMG SRC="img/" WIDTH=? HEIGHT=?> Scale graphic (in pixels)
Border <IMG SRC="img/URL" BORDER=?> Make border 0 if linked and you still wish no border
Img Inserts an inline image into the document ; includes common attributes
Usemap Thsi image is a client-side imagemap
Src=". . ." The URL of the image
Alt=". . ." A text string that will be displayed in browsers that cannot support image
Align=". . ." Determines the alignment of the given image
Height=". . ." Is the suggested height in pixels
Width=". . ." Is the suggested width in pixels
Vspace=". . ." The space between the image and the text above or below it
Hspace=". . ." The space between the image and the text to its left or right


Horizontal Rules

Horizontal Rule <HR> Shaded rule across page
HR Thickness <HR SIZE=?> Thickness of rule in pixels
HR Width <HR WIDTH=?> Width of rule in pixels
HR Width Percent <HR WIDTH="%"> Percentage of page width
Solid Line <HR NOSHADE> Eliminates shading



Unordered List <UL><LI></UL> Put <LI> before each list item
Bullet List <UL TYPE=DISC> Bullet in front of each entry in list
Circle Bullets <UL TYPE=CIRCLE> Circle in front of each entry in list
Square Bullets <UL TYPE=SQUARE> Square in front of each entry in list
Ordered List <OL><LI></OL> Numbers the list items
Definition List <DL><DT><DD></DL> DT=Data Term, DD=Data Definition

Backgrounds & Color

Tiled Bkground <BODY BACKGROUND=
.xxx = .gif or .jpg
Bkground Color <BODY BGCOLOR=
$ represents hexadecimal code
Text Color <BODY TEXT=
$ represents hexadecimal code
Link Color <BODY LINK=
$ represents hexadecimal code
Visited Link <BODY VLINK=
$ represents hexadecimal code
Active Link <BODY ALINK=
$ represents hexadecimal code
The 6 digits used for background color and any other color specification are hexadecimal code. The best way to find out the hexadecimal code for the color you want is to choose a color and then find it's hexadecimal code. The two most obvious backgrounds are white (#ffffff) and black (#000000). To find the code for other colors, try Lynda's Color Page (NOTE: Lynda's Color Page takes a long time to download) or go to the RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart. If you would like to work from a color wheel, try Colorpro.



Link to another page <A HREF="page.html"></A> Link to another page in your site
Link to another site <A HREF="URL"></A> Requires full address; e.g. ""
Link to target in page <A HREF="#name"></A> Moves to another location in current page
Link to target in other site <A HREF="URL#name"></A> Links to specific location in page outside your site
Define target in document <A NAME="name"></A> Put just above where you want page to display
Use graphic as link <IMG SRC="img/"> Embed this code in HREF tag
Alternate name <IMG SRC="img/URL" ALT="xxx"> xxx = Description of graphic
HREF=". . ." The URL of the document to be linked to this one
Name=" . . ." The name of the anchor
Target=" . . ." Identifies the window or location to open the link in
Rel=" . . ." Defines reverse link types
Rev=" . . ." Defines reverse link types
Accesskey". . ." Determines the accessibility character
Shape". . ." Is for use with object shapes

Special Characters

Special Character &name; or &#?; ? is numeric ASCII code
< &lt; or &#60;
> &gt; or &#62;
& &amp; or &#38;
é &eacute; or &#233;
Non-Breaking Space &nbsp; or &#160;


Define Table <TABLE></TABLE> Sandwiches table
Desired Width <TABLE WIDTH=?> In pixels
Width Percent <TABLE WIDTH="%"> Percentage of page
Table Border <TABLE BORDER=?> In pixels
Table Cell <TD> Think of it as Table Data
Table Row <TR> New table row
Cell Spacing <TABLE
In pixels
Cell Padding <TABLE
In pixels
Row Alignment <TR ALIGN=LEFT,
Data Alignment <TD ALIGN=LEFT,
Columns to Span <TD COLSPAN=?> For data to stretch across columns
Rows to Span <TD ROWSPAN=?> For data to go deeper than one column
Desired Width <TD WIDTH=?> In pixels
Table Header <TH></TH> Bold, centered table data
Table Caption <CAPTION></CAPTION> The caption for the table


<Frameset>... Defines a frameset
Rows=" . . ." Number of rows in frame
Cols=" . . . " Number of columns in frame
onLoad Is an intrinsic event
onUnload Is an intrinsic event
<Frame> Creates a frame
Name=". . ." Is the name of target frame
Src=" . . ." Calls the frame content source
Frameborder=". . ." Determines the frame border
Marginwidth=". . ." Defines margin widths
Marginheight=". . ." Defines margin heights
Noresize=". . ." Determines ability to resize frames
Scrolling=". . ." Determines ability to scroll within frames
<IFrame>. . .</IFrame> Defines an inline frame
<NoFrames>. . .</NoFrames> Defines an inline frame

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