I'm a life long computer guru from Fort Wayne, IN where I was born and raised. In my spare time I like to play games on my computer or write HTML code for my soon to be completed web site. I also like movies, bowling, playing basketball, camping, traveling and taking college courses. I attended IVY Tech State College and graduated in 89' with an Associate Degree in Computer Science. I'm a returning graduate student looking forward to receiving an Associate Degree in Networking Specilty. I'm in the process of restructing my career goals to help expand and broaden my knowledge in the Information Technology field. My first goals are to graduate and complete all my MCSE(Mircosoft Certification System Engieer) tests. I also want to establish my very own homebased computer consultant business.

I ahve a wonderful wife named Melissa and two daughters, Victoria and Alyssa. We also have a dog and two cats. My family and I attend Church.